

Before you buy any vehicle you should very well know about the vehicle. It is vital to collect as much information as possible regarding the vehicle. The need for electric vehicle fleets is rising and so is the need for electric vehicle fleet management . It should be noted that there are many dissimilarities between traditional fleet and electric fleet management systems but when you do a bit of research you can spot some similarities too. Electric vehicle fleet management is important to save fuel and reduce carbon emissions. Your main motive should be to get maximum return on investment. You must think that there is only one type of electric fleet, but that is not the case. Electric fleets come in different types. This includes Battery Electric Vehicles, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The electric fleet also has a feature that it recharges itself when you press the ...

How Vehicle Management and Tracking Technology has Changed

Fleet tracking technology has been something like for decades, but now it has turned out to be more convenient for even the smallest fleet operators. From the most basic systems of two-way radios to refined GPS and electronic vehicle tracking of nowadays, vehicle tracking technology has developed and improved to a great extent. Early systems The earliest fleet fuel management services started with the beginning of two-way radios. By way of a radio in each vehicle and a base location, fleet operators could speak to their drivers and map their development all the way through every day's route. Changes and developing calls could be sent out to the field more straightforwardly, thus making operations well-organized. The downside, obviously, is that radio communications had some limitations in remoteness, accurateness, and the ability to hook up with drivers going in and out of their motor vehicle. The information received at the base location was only as good as what the driver...